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We made it! Farsi is now part of the system

It finally happened! On June 30th, 2022, the Honourable Jennifer Whiteside, British Columbia's Minister of Education issued Ministerial Order M196, in which Farsi 5-12 curriculum was added to BC's Educational Program Guide.

What does it mean?

It means Farsi is now an official course in BC Public Schools, and can be offered in any public school in British Columbia, where there is a demand. Farsi is now like any other language course, such as German, Spanish, Punjabi, Japanese, Korean, Italian, and American Sign Language (to name a few).

How did we get here?

Farsi dar BC started its advoacy, and curriculum development in 2018. Ever since then, our teachers' committee, led by Mariam Hazhir, teacher at Tamanavis Secondary School in Surrey, BC, worked hard to draft a Curriculum of Instruction for Farsi, based on BC's own language education frameworks. Mariam and other Farsi-speaking teachers drafted Farsi 5-12 Curriculum, with the support from Dr Rastin Mehri, at the Department of World Languages and Literature (Simon Fraser University - SFU). The final draft was reviewed by Farsi dar BC's Executive Member and Secretary, Dr Farzan Sojoodi, and was submitted to School District 43 (Coquitlam) for approval. Following the approval of Coquitlam School Board, the Ministry of Education verified the curriculum, and by the Ministerial order, it became another course, available to all students in BC.

Is our work done?

Not really! Having the course added to the Educational Program Guide is a significant milestone. However, we need to continue our advocacy to promot Farsi, as a second language option, so that Farsi does not remain just a course on paper. We are working with several School Districts and Schools, to make sure that Farsi is actually offered in schools. Furthermore, we need to support the classes in schools to ensure they have every resources available to them for a wholesome educational experience for all students.

Additionally, at this point, Farsi is more likely to be offered in Secondary Schools as an elective course. While it is theoretically possible to have an elementary level Farsi class, the current structure of Elementary School Education limits Foreign Language option for K-7 students. We are on it though! How can you help?

Join us, spread the word to other parents, connect with schools, organize, volunteer, and donate to us.

This is a community building effort for us, our kids, and our neighbours. Let's share our gift of language and culture with all!

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